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CRTP Cheatsheet

This cheatsheet corresponds to an older version of PowerView deliberately as this is the version that was used in Pentester Academys’ CRTP certification course. Updated AD enumeration (PowerView/SharpHound) cheatsheet can be found at AD Enumeration

Helpful Commands

Commands to help use PowerView even better.

Command Description
Set-MpPreference -DisableRealTimeMonitoring $true Disable Windows Defender real time monitoring
Set-MpPreference -DisableIOAVProtection $true Disable Windows Defender scanning for all files downloaded

Disabling Defender even if for a small amount of time puts the assets at risk, instead one could opt for bypassing AMSI using this resource.


General Domain Enumeration

Command Description
Get-NetDomain [-Domain <target>] Get basic information of the domain
Get-DomainSID Get the domains’ SID
Get-DomainPolicy [-Domain <target>] Get list of policies in the domain
(Get-DomainPolicy)."kerberos policy" Get the Kerberos policy
Get-NetDomainController [-Domain <target>] Get list of domain controllers

User Enumeration

Command Description
Get-NetUsers [-Username <username>] Get a list of users
Get-UserProperty [-Properties <property>] Gets a list of all user properties. Select a property to get its’ value of every user
(Get-NetUsers | select name).count Get a count of users present
Get-NetUsers | select name,badpwdcount | where badpwdcount Get-UserProperty alternative
Get-UserProperty -Properties logoncount | where logoncount | sort logoncount -Descending Get users sorted with most logoncounts
Get-LoggedOnLocal [-ComputerName <name>] Get who is logged on locally where

Computer Enumeration

Command Description
Get-NetComputer [-FullData] [-Ping] [-OperatingSystem "*server*"] [-Domain <target>] Get a list of all the computer OUs
Get-NetComputer -FullData | select name,logoncount,operatingsystem,badpwdcount Get list of computers with required info

Group Enumeration

Command Description
Get-NetGroup [-Domain <target>] [-FullData] [-GroupName "*admin*"] [-Username 'user_name'] Get AD groups data either all or of a user
Get-NetGroupMember [-GroupName 'group_name'] [-Recurse] Get members of a group

Share Enumeration

Command Description
Invoke-ShareFinder -ExcludeStandard -ExcludeIPC -ExcludePrint Find interesting shares

GPO Enumeration

Command Description
Get-NetGPO [-ComputerName <hostname.domain>] List all GPOs in the domain
Get-NetGPOGroup Find interesting GPOs
Find-GPOComputerAdmin [-ComputerName <FQDN_computer>] List users of local group using GPO

OU Enumeration

Command Description
Get-NetOU [-FullData] Get OUs
(Get-NetOU -Name 'test').gplink Get gplink of an OU to get GPOs applied to it
Get-NetGPO -GPOName '{asd21321asdsd3as2d1}' Get GPO of a gplink
((Get-NetOU -FullData <OU_NAME>).gplink -split "cn=" -split ",")[1] | Get-NetGPO Get GPO of an OU using gplink

ACL Enumeration

Command Description
Get-ObjectAcl [-Name 'domain admins'] -ResolveGUIDS Get the ACEs for a group
Invoke-ACLScanner -ResolveGUIDS Find interesting ACEs
Invoke-ACLScanner -ResolveGUIDS | ?{$_.IdentityReference -match 'svcadmin'} Find interesting rights owned by ‘svcadmin’ (can be done for groups)

Trust Enumeration

Command Description
Get-NetDomainTrust [-Domain <target>] Map all the domain trusts
Get-NetForest [-Forest <target>] Get information about the specified forest
Get-NetForestDomain [-Forest <target>] Get all the domains of a forest

User Hunting

Command Description
Find-LocalAdminAccess Get list of all machines where current user has local admin access
Invoke-EnumerateLocalAdmin Find all admins on all computers
Invoke-UserHunter [-GroupName <group_name>] [-CheckAccess] Find machines where a domain admin has a session, checkaccess tells you if you also have access to that machine

Finding Sessions

Command Description
Get-NetSession [-ComputerName <comp_name>] Get list of active sessions on a system
Get-LoggedOnLocal [-ComputerName <comp_name>] Get list of users logged on a system

Privilege Escalation

Command Description
Get-NetComputer -Unconstrained Find computers to perform uncontrained delegation
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